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Chapter 87: New life新生(2 / 2)

\"My lady, if dilient efforts can alter one\''''s destiny, then you and the youn ster can also strive and fiht for a briht future, can\''''t you?\"


\"That\''''s a different tter. They are incoarable. Hun effort can chane the present circutances, elevate the quality of life, and even transcend social classes. Nonetheless, I crawl upon the round while he soars adst the heavens. The ap between us is vast and unbrideable. It is beyond the power of hun effort to alter, so we can only accept our fate.\"


\"My lady, are we really leavin like this, never to look back? Before we o, don\''''t you want to say oodbye to hior leave behind a few words?\"


\"You don\''''t understand how ch I wish I could be with hi how ch I hope to rry hi but I just can\''''t.


One st know his status and not push his own luck. Otherwise, sfortune will fall upon us.

The world is danerous, and there is as cold as ice.


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